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by Pam Solberg-Tapper

One of the hardest things to do is give others feedback without them becoming defensive, confused or ruining relationships. Here are some ways to deliver feedback effectively:

1. Make it about the “what” not the “who” – make sure the feedback is about the problem and its consequences — not about the person.

2. Give it now – the best feedback is as close to the event as possible. Address feedback head-on by keeping it timely and relevant. Do not “store up” or postpone feedback. Delaying feedback loses its effect.

3. Be prepared with specifics – identify the situation, give specific examples of the behavior and its impact on the situation.

4. Hear the other person out – let them explain the situation from their point of view. They may have information that you didn’t know which can change your understanding of the circumstances.

5. Help them come up with ways they can improve – let them save face and encourage the changes needed to correct the problem. Together come up with specific ways to improve moving forward.

By using these guidelines, you will be able to successfully give feedback that is valuable, constructive and productive.