Success Starts Here Freeway Style Desert Landscape By Pam Solberg-Tapper

As a coach, I help my clients set and achieve their goals. The tips below will help you accomplish any of your aspirations – such as running a marathon, getting a promotion, changing careers or starting a business. Use them for your New Years Resolutions, too.

Focus on One Achievable Goal – it takes effort to make behavioral changes so it is easy to understand why multiple resolutions don’t work. By focusing on one goal at a time you enhance your chances of success.

Know Your Why – avoid making resolutions based on what people think you should do. Make it meaningful for you or you won’t stick to it. Ask yourself “Why is this goal important to me?” Then on a scale of 1-10 rate its level of importance. Compelling goals are at least an 8.

Create a Game Plan – get specific and create milestones with timelines. For example if you want to run a marathon, decide which marathon and set the date. Then in your calendar create a plan that includes how many miles you must run each day and week to be prepared to successfully cross the finish line.

Write and Tell – research shows that people are more successful in accomplishing goals when they write them out and let others know their intentions.

Enlist an Accountability Partner – find someone that has your best interests in mind and will help you stay focused. Then check in with them on a predetermined frequency. Knowing that you have someone to report to enhances success. Contract with this person to give you pep talks, praise you when you reach your sub goals and challenge you when you get off track.

Have a Backup Plan – remember that minor setbacks are normal and can be expected. Don’t beat yourself up and abandon your goals if you slip-up. Each failed attempt gets you closer to success because you learn what doesn’t work. Resolve to recover from your mistakes with a plan on how to get back on track.

May the upcoming year be your best year yet!