WDIO -Get in GeerIt’s challenging to get back into the Fall routine again after summer. We are used to less structure, more time off and fewer demands on our schedules. These 3 suggestions will help you shift gears and get back to the routine. 

Thanks to Maarja Anderson, anchor of WDIO/WIRT TV Good Morning Northland for opportunity to share ways to get back into your routine this fall.http://bit.ly/1gjp8xx

  1. Declutter – start Fall with a clean slate. Clutter can clog the smooth workings of any home or office. Start with small steps – get rid of piles on your desk or move summer clothes out of your closet. It is more energizing to have a clean and organized environment. 
  1. Reset your goals – if you have fallen off the bandwagon this summer, don’t give up on yourself. Fall is a great time to review and reset your goals. Whether it is losing weight, taking a class, working out, volunteering or anything – revisit your motivation by asking yourself “why is this important to me?” Then create a challenge for yourself to get re-engaged by taking the first step to get back on track. 
  1. Build in Margin – try to avoid scheduling yourself so tightly this Fall. It leads to overload and overwhelm. Instead, build in margin. Margin is space that we hold in reserve. For example, get up a few minutes earlier to avoid the last minute rush getting out the door. Or, give yourself time between meetings to work on follow-up.

Use these 3 suggestions to help you gear up for a productive Fall and to be more effective at home and at work all year long.