This blog will provide a place for me to write about my experiences and thoughts as I prepare for the North Pole Marathon ( ) slated for April 9, 2014. This event represents the peak of my running career.  It will be much more demanding than past marathons as far as mental and physical preparation – not to mention the logistics of travel arrangements and gear.

I have been marathoning for 32 years. I started running to loose weight and fell in love with the body-mind-sprit connection that running long distances provides. My personal trainer, Jay Tapper (now my husband) helped me get ready for my first 10K in 1981. One day he mentioned to me “You should run a marathon”. My reaction was “Who me? That is absurd. I was never an athletic woman.” But I couldn’t get the notion out of my mind and in 1982 I ran Grandma’s Marathon in Duluth, MN.

I became a 7 Continents Marathon Finisher in 2011 and am aiming to become a member of the Grand Slam Club (there are 15 women and 62 men who are members at this time) by completing this year’s North Pole Marathon.

As a professional coach, I am passionate about helping my clients be their best version of themselves. I look forward to being a positive example by crossing the finish line at the North Pole.