
Does your confidence seem to elude you? Do you hold yourself back? Do you know how be seen as a confident person? A lack of confidence negatively impacts your success and fulfillment. The good news is that confidence can be learned.

Here are 3 Keys to Build Confidence

  1. When in doubt, act

Nothing builds confidence like taking action. A confident person acts on their desires and doesn’t let the fear of failure stop them. Take small steps to prepare for bigger challenges such as:

  • Run a 5k, then 10k, then half marathon to build confidence to run a marathon
  • Give an update at a team meeting to build confidence for public speaking
  • Build your decision making confidence by making small decisions quickly, for example: ordering at a restaurant
  1. Use Body Power

Research shows that your body language has a major impact on confidence. Carrying yourself in a powerful way directs your feelings, thoughts and behaviors.

Try this pre-event warm up before a challenging situation such as meeting new people, public speaking, a job interview or a courageous conversation: in private, take up as much space as you can by expanding your arms above your head and spreading legs out as far as you can. This power posture evokes your ability to bring your boldest self to your challenge.

Then, during challenging situations use these power postures:

  • Sit or stand up straight with chin up and level
  • Keep shoulders back with chest open
  • Use open arm gestures with hands up
  • Lean in when speaking to others
  • Keep relaxed and uncross limbs
  1. Stop Uptalk

Uptalk, or rising inflection, is the raising tone of your voice at the end of a sentence that sounds like you are asking a question versus making a statement. Uptalk makes you come across as if you are asking for approval. Instead, speak with assertion by lowering your inflection at the end of a sentence.

Try these suggestions to build your confidence and position yourself for success. Let me know how they work for you.

Next time, How to Build Confidence – Part Two, I will share more sure fire ways to enhance your confidence.