Maarja and Pam (2) Aug 2016


By Pam Solberg-Tapper

Giving appreciation to others really matters. It lifts people up, tells them they are valued and builds relationships with employees, co-workers, friends or family members.

Here’s the best way to give meaningful appreciation in only 3 steps.

  1. What did the person do that you appreciate?

Specifically state the action, accomplishment or situation that you appreciate.

Examples: finished complex project; dealt with difficult customer, fixed a problem, did the dishes

  1. What attribute(s) did you see, admire or respect in the other person as they did what you appreciate?

Examples: courage, caring, determination, integrity, creativity, focus, initiative

  1. Use this framework to express your appreciation (and fill in the specifics).

When you _what did the person do?_ you showed _what attribute did they demonstrate?­­­__.

Here are some examples:

  • When you finished the complex project, you showed determination.
  • When you dealt with the difficult customer, you showed that you cared.
  • When you fixed that problem, you showed creativity.
  • When you did the dishes, you showed initiative.

When you combine what the person did with a personal attribute, your appreciation has deeper meaning and genuinely matters.